
Purveyors of fine sarcasm

Tag: nuclear apocalypse

Preparing for Trump – a time capsule piece

Preparing for Trump – a time capsule piece

It’s been exactly a year since Donald Trump took office as the most powerful man in the world. Here’s what…

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What made the 1980s great

The subtext is dance like nobody will remember your lycra-clad thrusting because they’ll all be dead. Love like humiliating rejection doesn’t feel so bad in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Sing like tomorrow your vocal chords will be dust.

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My email to the National Rifle Association

[After the apocalypse] we’ll have supercharged, skeletal cars and incredibly sexy makeshift leather body armour, but what good will that do us when a horde of koala-human hybrids attacks us in the wee small ours of the morning while we camp by a glowing billabong? The dread creatures will ravage us. Because, as you know, the only thing that can stop a bad koalaguy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

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